
The opening and closing of the CwU workshop are planned for Monday, December 13th at 9:00, and Thursday, December 16th at 16:30, respectively.

Basic organizational assumptions

In order to meet the   aims   of the workshop and due to logistic's constraints, the number of participants of the workshop has to be limited. This will provide all participants with good opportunities for presenting their own work, for learning from the experience of colleagues working in related research areas, and for establishing new contacts. The schedule of the workshop will provide ample time for discussions and interactions.

The prospective participants are invited to propose a 15-20 minute presentation. One-page   abstracts   of the proposed contributions are the primary criterion for selection of the participants.

Organizational details

Abstracts and papers:

Registration fee

The registration fee will not exceed 190 Euro, and will cover: The organizers have obtained funds for providing support for participants who will need it.


Please e-mail questions and/or suggestions regarding the organization of the workshop to:

Aim, scope, participation
CwU home page

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