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Flag of Cameroon
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  Transnational Issues

In general, information available as of 1 January 2003
was used in the preparation of The World Factbook 2003.

This page was last updated on 18 December, 2003

Map of Cameroon

Legend: DefinitionDefinition Field ListingField Listing Rank OrderRank Order
   Introduction    Cameroon
Definition Field Listing
The former French Cameroon and part of British Cameroon merged in 1961 to form the present country. Cameroon has generally enjoyed stability, which has permitted the development of agriculture, roads, and railways, as well as a petroleum industry. Despite movement toward democratic reform, political power remains firmly in the hands of an ethnic oligarchy.
   Geography    Cameroon
Definition Field Listing
Western Africa, bordering the Bight of Biafra, between Equatorial Guinea and Nigeria
Geographic coordinates:
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6 00 N, 12 00 E
Map references:
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Definition Field Listing Rank Order
total: 475,440 sq km
water: 6,000 sq km
land: 469,440 sq km
Area - comparative:
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slightly larger than California
Land boundaries:
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total: 4,591 km
border countries: Central African Republic 797 km, Chad 1,094 km, Republic of the Congo 523 km, Equatorial Guinea 189 km, Gabon 298 km, Nigeria 1,690 km
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402 km
Maritime claims:
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territorial sea: 50 NM
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varies with terrain, from tropical along coast to semiarid and hot in north
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diverse, with coastal plain in southwest, dissected plateau in center, mountains in west, plains in north
Elevation extremes:
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lowest point: Atlantic Ocean 0 m
highest point: Fako (on Cameroon Mountain) 4,095 m
Natural resources:
Definition Field Listing
petroleum, bauxite, iron ore, timber, hydropower
Land use:
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arable land: 12.81%
permanent crops: 2.58%
other: 84.61% (1998 est.)
Irrigated land:
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330 sq km (1998 est.)
Natural hazards:
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volcanic activity with periodic releases of poisonous gases from Lake Nyos and Lake Monoun volcanoes
Environment - current issues:
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water-borne diseases are prevalent; deforestation; overgrazing; desertification; poaching; overfishing
Environment - international agreements:
Definition Field Listing
party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Endangered Species, Hazardous Wastes, Law of the Sea, Ozone Layer Protection, Tropical Timber 83, Tropical Timber 94
signed, but not ratified: Nuclear Test Ban
Geography - note:
Definition Field Listing
sometimes referred to as the hinge of Africa; throughout the country there are areas of thermal springs and indications of current or prior volcanic activity; Mount Cameroon, the highest mountain in Sub-Saharan west Africa, is an active volcano
   People    Cameroon
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
note: estimates for this country explicitly take into account the effects of excess mortality due to AIDS; this can result in lower life expectancy, higher infant mortality and death rates, lower population and growth rates, and changes in the distribution of population by age and sex than would otherwise be expected (July 2003 est.)
Age structure:
Definition Field Listing
0-14 years: 42.3% (male 3,372,129; female 3,291,295)
15-64 years: 54.5% (male 4,315,672; female 4,265,286)
65 years and over: 3.2% (male 227,444; female 274,353) (2003 est.)
Median age:
Definition Field Listing
total: 18.4 years
male: 18.2 years
female: 18.5 years (2002)
Population growth rate:
Definition Field Listing
2.02% (2003 est.)
Birth rate:
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35.49 births/1,000 population (2003 est.)
Death rate:
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15.3 deaths/1,000 population (2003 est.)
Net migration rate:
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0 migrant(s)/1,000 population (2003 est.)
Sex ratio:
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at birth: 1.03 male(s)/female
under 15 years: 1.02 male(s)/female
15-64 years: 1.01 male(s)/female
65 years and over: 0.83 male(s)/female
total population: 1.01 male(s)/female (2003 est.)
Infant mortality rate:
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total: 70.12 deaths/1,000 live births
female: 65.91 deaths/1,000 live births (2003 est.)
male: 74.2 deaths/1,000 live births
Life expectancy at birth:
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total population: 48.05 years
male: 47.15 years
female: 48.97 years (2003 est.)
Total fertility rate:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
4.63 children born/woman (2003 est.)
HIV/AIDS - adult prevalence rate:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
11.8% (2001 est.)
HIV/AIDS - people living with HIV/AIDS:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
920,000 (2001 est.)
HIV/AIDS - deaths:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
53,000 (2001 est.)
Definition Field Listing
noun: Cameroonian(s)
adjective: Cameroonian
Ethnic groups:
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Cameroon Highlanders 31%, Equatorial Bantu 19%, Kirdi 11%, Fulani 10%, Northwestern Bantu 8%, Eastern Nigritic 7%, other African 13%, non-African less than 1%
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indigenous beliefs 40%, Christian 40%, Muslim 20%
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24 major African language groups, English (official), French (official)
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definition: age 15 and over can read and write
total population: 79%
male: 84.7%
female: 73.4% (2003 est.)
   Government    Cameroon
Country name:
Definition Field Listing
conventional long form: Republic of Cameroon
conventional short form: Cameroon
former: French Cameroon
Government type:
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unitary republic; multiparty presidential regime (opposition parties legalized in 1990)
note: preponderance of power remains with the president
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Administrative divisions:
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10 provinces; Adamaoua, Centre, Est, Extreme-Nord, Littoral, Nord, Nord-Ouest, Ouest, Sud, Sud-Ouest
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1 January 1960 (from French-administered UN trusteeship)
National holiday:
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Republic Day (National Day), 20 May (1972)
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20 May 1972 approved by referendum; 2 June 1972 formally adopted; revised January 1996
Legal system:
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based on French civil law system, with common law influence; has not accepted compulsory ICJ jurisdiction
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20 years of age; universal
Executive branch:
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chief of state: President Paul BIYA (since 6 November 1982)
elections: president elected by popular vote for a seven-year term; election last held 12 October 1997 (next to be held NA October 2004); prime minister appointed by the president
head of government: Prime Minister Peter Mafany MUSONGE (since 19 September 1996)
cabinet: Cabinet appointed by the president from proposals submitted by the prime minister
election results: President Paul BIYA reelected; percent of vote - Paul BIYA 92.6%; note - supporters of the opposition candidates boycotted the elections, making a comparison of vote shares relatively meaningless
Legislative branch:
Definition Field Listing
unicameral National Assembly or Assemblee Nationale (180 seats; members are elected by direct popular vote to serve five-year terms; note - the president can either lengthen or shorten the term of the legislature)
elections: last held 23 June 2002 (next to be held NA 2007)
election results: percent of vote by party - NA%; seats by party - RDCP 133, SDF 21, UDC 5, other 21
note: the constitution calls for an upper chamber for the legislature, to be called a Senate, but it has yet to be established
Judicial branch:
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Supreme Court (judges are appointed by the president); High Court of Justice (consists of 9 judges and 6 substitute judges, elected by the National Assembly)
Political parties and leaders:
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Cameroonian Democratic Union or UDC [Adamou NDAM NJOYA]; Democratic Rally of the Cameroon People or RDCP [Paul BIYA]; Movement for the Defense of the Republic or MDR [Dakole DAISSALA]; Movement for the Liberation and Development of Cameroon or MLDC [leader Marcel YONDO]; Movement for the Youth of Cameroon or MYC [Dieudonne TINA]; National Union for Democracy and Progress or UNDP [Maigari BELLO BOUBA]; Social Democratic Front or SDF [John FRU NDI]; Union of Cameroonian Populations or UPC [Augustin Frederic KODOCK]
Political pressure groups and leaders:
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Southern Cameroon National Council [Frederick Ebong ALOBWEDE]; Human Rights Defense Group [Albert MUKONG, president]
International organization participation:
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Diplomatic representation in the US:
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chief of mission: Ambassador Jerome MENDOUGA
chancery: 2349 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20008
FAX: [1] (202) 387-3826
telephone: [1] (202) 265-8790
Diplomatic representation from the US:
Definition Field Listing
chief of mission: Ambassador George McDade STAPLES
embassy: Rue Nachtigal, Yaounde
mailing address: P. O. Box 817, Yaounde; pouch: American Embassy, Department of State, Washington, DC 20521-2520
telephone: [237] 223-05-12, 222-25-89, 222-17-94, 223-40-14
FAX: [237] 223-07-53
branch office(s): Douala
Flag description:
Definition Field Listing
three equal vertical bands of green (hoist side), red, and yellow with a yellow five-pointed star centered in the red band; uses the popular pan-African colors of Ethiopia
   Economy    Cameroon
Economy - overview:
Definition Field Listing
Because of its oil resources and favorable agricultural conditions, Cameroon has one of the best-endowed primary commodity economies in sub-Saharan Africa. Still, it faces many of the serious problems facing other underdeveloped countries, such as a top-heavy civil service and a generally unfavorable climate for business enterprise. Since 1990, the government has embarked on various IMF and World Bank programs designed to spur business investment, increase efficiency in agriculture, improve trade, and recapitalize the nation's banks. In June 2000, the government completed an IMF-sponsored, three-year structural adjustment program; however, the IMF is pressing for more reforms, including increased budget transparency, privatization, and poverty reduction programs. International oil and cocoa prices have considerable impact on the economy.
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
purchasing power parity - $26.84 billion (2002 est.)
GDP - real growth rate:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
4% (2002 est.)
GDP - per capita:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
purchasing power parity - $1,700 (2002 est.)
GDP - composition by sector:
Definition Field Listing
agriculture: 46%
industry: 21%
services: 33% (2001 est.)
Population below poverty line:
Definition Field Listing
48% (2000 est.)
Household income or consumption by percentage share:
Definition Field Listing
lowest 10%: 1.9%
highest 10%: 36.6% (1996)
Distribution of family income - Gini index:
Definition Field Listing
47.7 (1996)
Inflation rate (consumer prices):
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
4.5% (2002 est.)
Labor force:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
Labor force - by occupation:
Definition Field Listing
agriculture 70%, industry and commerce 13%, other 17%
Unemployment rate:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
30% (2001 est.)
Definition Field Listing
revenues: $2.2 billion
expenditures: $2.1 billion, including capital expenditures of $NA (FY 00/01 est.)
Definition Field Listing
petroleum production and refining, food processing, light consumer goods, textiles, lumber
Industrial production growth rate:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
4.2% (1999 est.)
Electricity - production:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
3.613 billion kWh (2001)
Electricity - production by source:
Definition Field Listing
fossil fuel: 2.7%
hydro: 97.3%
other: 0% (2001)
nuclear: 0%
Electricity - consumption:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
3.36 billion kWh (2001)
Electricity - exports:
Definition Field Listing
0 kWh (2001)
Electricity - imports:
Definition Field Listing
0 kWh (2001)
Oil - production:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
76,650 bbl/day (2001 est.)
Oil - consumption:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
22,000 bbl/day (2001 est.)
Oil - exports:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
NA (2001)
Oil - imports:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
NA (2001)
Oil - proved reserves:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
200 million bbl (37257)
Natural gas - production:
Definition Field Listing
0 cu m (2001 est.)
Natural gas - consumption:
Definition Field Listing
0 cu m (2001 est.)
Natural gas - exports:
Definition Field Listing
0 cu m (2001 est.)
Natural gas - imports:
Definition Field Listing
0 cu m (2001 est.)
Natural gas - proved reserves:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
55.22 billion cu m (37257)
Agriculture - products:
Definition Field Listing
coffee, cocoa, cotton, rubber, bananas, oilseed, grains, root starches; livestock; timber
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
$1.9 billion f.o.b. (2002 est.)
Exports - commodities:
Definition Field Listing
crude oil and petroleum products, lumber, cocoa beans, aluminum, coffee, cotton
Exports - partners:
Definition Field Listing
Italy 16.7%, Spain 16%, France 12.8%, US 8.3%, Netherlands 8.2%, Taiwan 7.7%, China 5.2%, UK 4.4% (2002)
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
$1.7 billion f.o.b. (2002 est.)
Imports - commodities:
Definition Field Listing
machinery, electrical equipment, transport equipment, fuel, food
Imports - partners:
Definition Field Listing
France 28.2%, Nigeria 12.8%, US 8%, Belgium 5.7%, Germany 5.3%, Italy 4.3% (2002)
Debt - external:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
$8.6 billion (2002 est.)
Economic aid - recipient:
Definition Field Listing
on 23 January 2001, the Paris Club agreed to reduce Cameroon's debt of $1.3 billion by $900 million; total debt relief now amounts to $1.26 billion
Definition Field Listing
Communaute Financiere Africaine franc (XAF); note - responsible authority is the Bank of the Central African States
Currency code:
Definition Field Listing
Exchange rates:
Definition Field Listing
Communaute Financiere Africaine francs (XAF) per US dollar - 696.99 (2002), 733.04 (2001), 711.98 (2000), 615.7 (1999), 589.95 (1998)
Fiscal year:
Definition Field Listing
1 July - 30 June
   Communications    Cameroon
Telephones - main lines in use:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
95,000 (2001)
Telephones - mobile cellular:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
300,000 (2002)
Telephone system:
Definition Field Listing
general assessment: available only to business and government
domestic: cable, microwave radio relay, and tropospheric scatter
international: satellite earth stations - 2 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean)
Radio broadcast stations:
Definition Field Listing
AM 2, FM 9, shortwave 3 (2002)
Television broadcast stations:
Definition Field Listing
1 (2002)
Internet country code:
Definition Field Listing
Internet Service Providers (ISPs):
Definition Field Listing
1 (2002)
Internet users:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
note: Cameroon also had more than 100 cyber-cafes in 2001 (December 2001)
   Transportation    Cameroon
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
total: 1,008 km
narrow gauge: 1,008 km 1.000-m gauge (2002)
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
total: 34,300 km
paved: 4,288 km
unpaved: 30,012 km (1999 est.)
Definition Field Listing
2,090 km (of decreasing importance) (2002)
Definition Field Listing
gas 90 km; liquid petroleum gas 9 km; oil 1,124 km (2003)
Ports and harbors:
Definition Field Listing
Bonaberi, Douala, Garoua, Kribi, Tiko
Definition Field Listing
49 (2002)
Airports - with paved runways:
Definition Field Listing
total: 11
over 3,047 m: 2
2,438 to 3,047 m: 4
1,524 to 2,437 m: 3
914 to 1,523 m: 1
under 914 m: 1 (2002)
Airports - with unpaved runways:
Definition Field Listing
total: 38
1,524 to 2,437 m: 7
914 to 1,523 m: 20
under 914 m: 11 (2002)
   Military    Cameroon
Military branches:
Definition Field Listing
Army, Navy (includes naval infantry), Air Force, National Gendarmerie, Presidential Guard
Military manpower - military age:
Definition Field Listing
18 years of age (2003 est.)
Military manpower - availability:
Definition Field Listing
males age 15-49: 3,799,841 (2003 est.)
Military manpower - fit for military service:
Definition Field Listing
males age 15-49: 1,928,285 (2003 est.)
Military manpower - reaching military age annually:
Definition Field Listing
males: 179,586 (2003 est.)
Military expenditures - dollar figure:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
$118.6 million (FY00)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP:
Definition Field Listing Rank Order
1.4% (FY98)
   Transnational Issues    Cameroon
Disputes - international:
Definition Field Listing
ICJ ruled in 2002 on the Cameroon-Nigeria land and maritime boundary by awarding the potentially petroleum-rich Bakassi Peninsula and offshore region to Cameroon; Nigeria rejected cession of the peninsula, but the parties have formed a Joint Border Commission to resolve differences bilaterally and have commenced with demarcation in less-contested sections of the boundary; Lake Chad Commission continues to urge signatories Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria to ratify delimitation treaty over the lake region, which remains the site of armed clashes among local populations and militias; Nigeria agreed to ratify the treaty and relinquish sovereignty of disputed lands to Cameroon by December 2003

This page was last updated on 18 December, 2003

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