IFIP WG7.6 - IIASA Workshop on:
Advances in Modeling: Paradigms, Methods and Applications
September 21-23, 1998
12th JISR-IIASA Workshop on Methodologies and Tools
for Complex System Modeling and Integrated Policy Assessment
September 24-26, 1998
IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria
Feature Issue of EJOR
A feature issue of EJOR composed of selected papers presented
during the AMAP and CSM'98 workshops is planned.
A selection of papers will be made by the IPC of the AMAP workshop.
A paper submitted for the Feature Issue of EJOR should meet
the following requirements:
deal with one of
the topics
specified for the AMAP workshop,
be prepared according to the requirements for articles
submitted to EJOR (please consult the Instructions to
Authors at the end of any issue of EJOR; should you have problems
with accessing EJOR, then please ask us for sending you a copy of
the Instructions),
be available at IIASA (in four copies) before September 15, 1998,
be presented during either AMAP or CSM'98 workshop,
be accepted by the IPC of the AMAP workshop,
positively pass a review procedure.
Please e-mail questions concerning Feature Issue of EJOR to: [email protected].