IFIP WG 7.6 - IIASA Workshop on
Advances in Modeling: Paradigms, Methods and Applications

September 21-23, 1998, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria

Aim of the AMAP workshop

The Working Group "Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modeling and Design" of the IFIP and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis   (IIASA)   will organize a joint Workshop focused on Modeling. The workshop will take place in Laxenburg, Austria, from September 21-23, 1998 (please click   here   for local information) and will be followed by the   CSM'98,   12th JISR-IIASA Workshop on Methodologies and Tools for Complex System Modeling and Integrated Policy Assessment (September 24-26).

The main goal of the workshop is to bring leading scientists and practitioners from all over the world together in order to present and to discuss recent advances in the field of Modeling and Problem Solving. The workshop is oriented towards applications, that means innovative modeling techniques should be presented in combination with their impact to the solution of real world applications.

Topics of the AMAP workshop

International Program Committee

Scientific Program

The scientific program will contain three keynote speeches by members of the IPC. Furthermore, a number of well-known experts will be invited to present papers which cover the several fields of modeling listed above.

Prospective participants are encouraged to organize   invited sessions   and to contribute in this way to a better structuring of presentations during the workshop.

Interested scientists and practitioners are encouraged to submit contributed papers. A feature issue of EJOR will publish a selection of about 15 full papers. Furthermore, a volume with extended abstracts of all accepted papers will be prepared. Full papers will be published in the Feature Issue of EJOR only if the paper will pass the usual review procedure and if it will be presented during the workshop.

Dates (all dates in 1998)

The opening and closing of the AMAP workshop are planned for Monday, September 21 at 9:00, and Wednesday, September 23 at 16:30, respectively.

Registration fee

The registration fee covers:

The registration fee is:

(the exchange rate at the end of June'98 was about 12.5 AS for 1 US$).

The registration should be preferably paid by a credit (Master of Visa) card. Please use one of the following ways to pay your registration fee:

Reimbursement of registration fee
Reimbursement of a part of the paid registration fee will be granted only in cases of cancelation of registration made by e-mail. The reimbursed part is defined by the date on which the cancellation will reach organizers:

Participation in the AMAP workshop

Strong international participation is encouraged for this workshop so that participants can introduce and be introduced to various research perspectives and approaches in the above listed research and applications areas. The number of participants of the workshop must be limited, therefore participation is by invitation only. The invitations for the workshop will be distributed before May 15, 1998 to organizers of invited sessions and to authors of accepted presentations. Participants without accepted presentations will be invited on the strictly observed first in first served basis until the maximum number of participants will be reached.

Prospective participants are kindly requested to complete as soon as possible (but not later than April 30, 1998) the   preregistration   procedure which is composed of two elements:

Organizational details
AMAP home page

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