IFIP WG 7.6 - IIASA Workshop on
Advances in Modeling: Paradigms, Methods and Applications

September 21-23, 1998, IIASA, Laxenburg, Austria

Invited sessions

Participants are most welcome to propose organization of invited sessions. An invited sessions should be composed of three mutually related presentations by three different speakers. Presentations in an invited session may, for example, deal with:

Please fill in and submit the following form, if you would like to organize an invited session during the AMAP workshop.

Proposal for an invited session

Organizer: First name: Family name:
E-mail address:
Title of the session:
1. Speaker: First name: Family name:
2. Speaker: First name: Family name:
3. Speaker: First name: Family name:

Text area (max. 10 rows of 70 chars) for additional comments or notes.
Please hit the Return/Enter key at the end of each line you enter:


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