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The 'Regional Air Pollution INformation and Simulation' (RAINS)-model has been developed by IIASA as a tool for the integrated assessment of alternative strategies to reduce acid deposition in Europe and Asia (Alcamo et al., 1990).
The RAINS 7.2 model describes the pathways of emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and ammonia and explores their impacts on acidification and eutrophication (Amann et al. 1996). The structure of the model is presented in Figure 1. The various sub-models are organized into three modules, i.e.,
Figure 1: The structure of the RAINS model
This version of the RAINS model is the outcome of a multi-year development process. Starting with version 1 in 1984 (pilot version for SO2 emissions developed for mainframe computers under UNIX), the model was continually further developed to incorporate additional pollutants (such as NOx and NH3), new features (e.g., the optimization module), innovative approaches for impact assessment (critical loads), geographical regions (Asia) and to keep track with the rapid progress in computer technology (PC-based operating systems, MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, etc.).
Earlier versions of the RAINS model were used for the scenario calculations of the Second Sulfur Protocol (Version 6) and focussed on South-East Asia (Version 7.1).
The main new characteristics of Version 7.2 are
EMCO consists of three parts, estimating current and future levels of emissions of SO2, NOx and ammonia, respectively. These estimates are based on national statistics and projections of economic activity, energy consumption levels, fuel characteristics, agricultural activities, etc., taking into account implemented and possible emission control measures. The time horizon extends from the year 1990 up to the year 2010.
Furthermore, EMCO also estimates costs for the reduction of emissions. Options and costs for controlling emissions of the various substances are represented in the model by considering the characteristic technical and economic features of the most important emission reduction options and technologies (Amann, Cofala, Klaassen, 1994). Regional and national potentials for emission control and the associated costs are estimated on the basis of detailed data on the most commonly used emission control technologies. The cost evaluation is based on international operating experience of pollution control equipment (e.g., Schaerer, 1993) by extrapolating it to the country-specific situation of application. A free and competitive market for the exchange of emission control technology is assumed. Important country-specific factors with strong impact on abatement costs are the characteristic sulfur content of fuels, plant capacity utilization regimes, boiler sizes etc.
These cost estimates for specific fuel types, economic sectors and abatement technologies are combined with the projected pattern of energy consumption. The RAINS model provides also 'national cost curves' that rank the abatement measures according to their cost-effectiveness. These cost curves are used as input for the optimization module (OPT). Due to country-specific factors such as energy use patterns and technical infrastructure, national cost curves show significant differences among countries (Amann et al., 1994).
To develop an integrated abatement strategy the user can apply specific control policies (consistent sets of control measures) to selected emission sources in individual countries. The consequences of energy conservation measures and fuel substitution can be explored by analyzing alternative energy pathways, either by selecting one of several energy-use scenarios contained in the database or by creating a new one based on individual expectations of fuel use.
User Options
The RAINS-EMCO user options are discribed in the chapter "Exploring RAINS-EMCO"
The features of EMCO Ammonia are discribed in Features in EMCO Ammonia.The structure of the user options is graphically shown in "RAINS 7.2 User Options".
The Deposition and Critical loads Assessment (DEP) module of RAINS has three major tasks:
Within the overall context of RAINS, the main function of DEP is to provide estimates of acid deposition loads throughout the region under study as a function of changing emissions and to compare them with maps of environmental sensitivities (the 'critical loads' maps). The emission data used as input to DEP can be produced with the RAINS-EMCO module. Resulting deposition fields and critical loads achievement can be used to construct target deposition levels used as input into the RAINS-OPTIMIZATION module.
Acid deposition fields are estimated using transfer matrices for the various substances. These (linear) transfer matrices are constructed from results of the EMEP long-range atmospheric transport model, providing information of the dispersion of pollutants from the various sources (countries) to the 547 land-based grid cells of the modelling domain (using the 150*150 kmEMEP-grid (polar stereographic projection, Posch et al. 1995, Appendix A). EMEP calculates transfer matrices for the meteorological conditions of 11 years (1986-1996). For the purposes of integrated assessment of long-term strategies, a matrix representing the average conditions of these 11 years is incorporated into RAINS.
Critical loads represent the maximum long-term deposition levels which can be tolerated by sensitive ecosystems without damage (Nilsson & Grennfeldt, 1988). Based on submissions of the European countries, harmonized databases on critical loads and critical levels are compiled at the Coordination Center for Effects (CCE) at the National Institute for Public Health and Environmental Protection (RIVM) in the Netherlands (Downing et al., 1993).
User Options
The DEP user options are discribed in the chapter "Exploring RAINS-DEP".
The structure of the user options is graphically shown at "RAINS 7.2 User Options".
The optimization module identifies, for given set of regional target depositions levels (which can be derived, e.g., from critical loads), the cost-minimal allocation of measures to reduce emissions. This optimization takes into account that
The optimization module requires the following input:
After the problem is completely defined, the user can start the optimization process. To find the optimal solution the model performs the following steps:
The optimization module provides tables with the following information:
User Options
The OPT user options are discribed in the chapter "Exploring RAINS-OPT".
The structure of the user options is graphically shown at "RAINS 7.2 User Options".
The modules described above are combined together into a microcomputer-based policy analysis model, RAINS 7.2. The model allows users to estimate costs and impacts of alternative emission control strategies in current and future years on a regional, country or sub-country basis, follow these emissions through the acid deposition processes, and assess the potential of those emissions to impact critical ecosystems.
The user can select pre-defined energy pathways, modify them to explore impacts of alternative developments or enter his own assessment of future energy consumption.
To any of these strategies the user can apply emission control policies, addressing individual
The RAINS model can be operated in the 'scenario analysis'
mode, i.e., following the pathways of the emissions from their sources to their
environmental impacts (energy
and emission abatement strategy). In this case the model provides estimates
of regional costs and environmental benefits of alternative emission control
Alternatively, the (linear programming) 'optimization
mode' is available to identify cost-optimal allocations of emission
reductions in order to achieve specified deposition targets. Here the
DEP Module may be used to determine the target depositions
and the EMCO Module to create the national cost curves as
input for OPT (see Figure 1).
The RAINS 7.2 model has been implemented for Europe to explore future trends in emission development and impacts on sensitive ecosystems in this region. This implementation uses certain aggregation levels to store and process relevant data.
Data on energy consumption, emissions and control costs are stored on a regional level using aggregates of administrational units. Currently the model considers 41 countries and sea regions (Table 5b). Some of the countries are further divided into subnational regions (Table 5c).
Table 5b: | List of countries considered in RAINS-Europe together with their country codes used in the RAINS model |
Table 5c: | List of sub-national regions considered in RAINS-Europe together with the region-codes used in the model. |
Table 5d
(SO2), Table 5e (NOx), and Table 5f (NH3): |
Lists of the emission control technologies considered in RAINS-Europe. |
Table 5g: | Economic Sectors considered in the RAINS model. |
Table 5a: | Animal types considered in EMCO-Ammonia. |
Tables 5h: | Sectors and fuels distinguished in the RAINS energy- and emissions- database |
Table 5i: | Processes considered in EMCO-Ammonia. |
Alcamo J., (1987): Uncertainty of Forcast Sulfur Deposittion Due to Uncertain Spatial Distribiution of SO2 Emissions. Preprints of the 16th NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modelling and its Application, Lindau, FRG.
Alcamo J., Shaw R., and Hordijk L. (eds), (1990): The RAINS Model of Acidification. Science and Strategies in Europe. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Amann M. (1993) Transboundary Air Pollution: the RAINS Model. Options, Winter'93, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
Amann M., Bertok I., Cofala J., Klimont Z., Schöpp W., 1993: Structure of the RAINS 7.0 energy- and emissions database. IIASA Working Paper WP-93-67
Amann M., Cofala J., and Klaasen G., 1994, The SO2 Conrol Cost Module in the RAINS 7.0 Model, Working Paper, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
Amann M., Bertok I., Cofala J., Gyrfas F., Heyes C., Klimont Z., Schöpp W., (1996) Cost-effective Control of Acidifiaction and Ground-Level Ozone, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria.
Barrett K., Seland Ø., (eds.) (1994-96) EMEP/MSC-W Reports Oslo, Sweden.
Bhatti, N., Streets, D., and Foell, W. (1992) Acid Rain in Asia. Environmental Management, Vol. 16, pp. 541-562.
Carmichael, G. (1992) Modeling of Acid Deposition in Asia, pp. 30-45, Proceedings of the Third Annual Workshop on Acid Rain in Asia. AIT, Bangkok, Thailand.
Carmichel, G. et al., (1993): Acid Rain and Emissions Reduction in Asia: An International Collaborative Project on Acid Rain in Asia. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environment and Climate Change in East Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, November 30 - December 3, 1993.
Foell W., Green C., Wilkinson K. (1991) Policy-oriented Grid-based Energy and Emissions Model for Asia. Proceedings of the Third Annual Conference on Acid Rain and Emissions in Asia, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.
Heffer, J., 1983: Branching Atmospheric Trajectory (BAT) Model. NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL ARL-121.
Downing R.J., Hettelingh J.P., de Smet P. (eds.) (1993) Calculation and Mapping of Critical Loads for Europe. Coordination Center for Effects, Coordination Center for Effects, RIVM Report No. 259101003, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Hordijk, L. (1991) Use of the RAINS Models in Acid Rain Negotiations in Europe. Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 25, No. 4, p. 596-603.
Kuylenstierna, J.C.I. and Chadwick, M.J. (1989) The relative sensitivity of ecosystems in Europe to the indirect effects of acidic depositions. In: J. Kämäri, D.F. Brakke, A. Jenkins, S.A. Norton and R.F. Wright, eds. Regional Acidification Models, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Nilsson J., Grennfeldt P. (1988) Critical Loads for Sulphur and Nitrogen. Miljorapport 1988:16, Nordic Council of Ministers, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Posch M., de Smet P.A.M., Hettelingh J.-P., Downing R.J. (eds.) (1995), Calculation and Mapping of critical Treshold in Europe, RIVM Report No. 259101004, Bilthoven, Netherlands
Schaerer, B., (1993): Technologies to Clean Up Power Plants. Experience with a DM 21 Billion FGD and SCR Retrofit Programme in Germany, Part 1 and 2. Staub - Reinhaltung der Luft 53 (1993) 87-92, 157-160.
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