Pre-registration form

Prospective participants are kindly requested to complete as soon as possible (but not later than September 15, 2009) the pre-registration form and to submit an extended abstract of their proposed contribution (using the abstract form available on the previous page).

Please complete all pre-registration information:

E-mail address:  

Dr  Mr   Ms   Prof.
First name:       Family name:  

The following three fields are optional and are meant for a university/institute or company
name, and/or any other address information that should be placed above the Street line.
Please enter up to 60 characters in a field, and leave fields that are not needed empty:
Street (incl. bldg number):
City (incl. ZIP code):
Country (of your address).
Please either select the
country from the list (if your
country is listed)
or type your country (of
residence) name here:
Phone1: country code:   area code:   number:   ext.:
Phone2: country code:   area code:   number:   ext.:
Fax: country code:   area code:   number:   ext.:
URL (of your Web page): http://

Please declare, if you plan to present a paper (which implies that you will submit an abstract) or co-author a paper (i.e. the abstract will be submited by your colleague, who will declare a presentation of a paper):
I will present a paper    
I will co-author a paper    
I will neither present nor co-author a paper   

Please indicate, if you want to submit (by November 15 2009, a manuscript to be prepared in LaTeX) a chapter (based on your presentation) for the edited book to be published by Springer:
yes     no

Please indicate, which type of the registration fee you plan to pay (they differ by including/excluding a copy of the edited book to be published by Springer):
standard (with the book)     reduced (without the book)

Please indicate, if you prefer to stay in the workshop hotel or make your own arrangements for accommodation:
Single room in the workshop hotel
Double room in the workshop hotel
IIASA's Guest room (Schlossrestaurant)
own arrangements    

Text area (max. 160 chars) for additional comments or notes (please don't use this area for the title of your presentation, which should be submitted using the abstract form).


Confirmation will be e-mailed to you automatically, and this page will be replaced by another page with the contents of this e-mail if you select (i.e. click only ONCE) the   Pre-register   button (please allow up to 2 min. after pressing the Pre-register button for processing of your form).
If you receive no e-mail with the confirmation, then please double-check (on the next page that appears after pre-registering), if your e-mail address is correct.
Should the problem persist, then please send an e-mail to the address given at the bottom of this page.

Comments and suggestions about this form would be most welcome:

CwU abstract submission

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