The CwU organizers are
pleased to announce that we have finally got an agreement with the
Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, to publish an edited volume of selected
papers presented at the CwU workshop. All authors of presentations are
invited to submit a paper to this volume. All papers will be
peer-reviewed and if further corrections are required the contribution
will be returned for improvement prior to acceptance.
Scope of the contributions to the Proceedings
While preparing your paper
please consider that CwU is not a typical disciplinary conference. The
main aim of the workshop is to provide researchers and practitioners from
different areas with an interdisciplinary forum for discussing various
ways to deal with uncertainties in different areas, including
Environmental and Social Sciences, Economics, Policy-Making, Management,
and Engineering. Presentations and papers should therefore be prepared
for an interdisciplinary audience, and should address at least one of
the following issues:
- Novel methods and techniques.
- Open problems, i.e. problems for which satisfactory approaches
to treatment of uncertainty still have to be developed.
- Limitations of known approaches.
- Lessons from applications of various approaches.
Therefore, all papers
submitted to the Proceedings should be prepared accordingly, and
contribute to achieving the aim of the workshop. Thus, we ask the
researchers with mathematical background to present concepts and their
illustrations in a way that the main ideas can be understood by readers
with different backgrounds. Ideally, such concepts would help in the
understanding of various ways of effective "Coping with
Uncertainty" in different areas of applications.
Technical requirements
Please note that the editors have no capacity for editing the papers,
therefore we can accept ONLY papers which will conform to the following
Please observe the following requirements to help us in managing the
input from all authors:
- Papers have to be prepared in LaTeX using the style defined in the
author package available here.
The original Springer guidelines for preparing
multi-author books are available here.
- The maximum length (after processing with the provided LaTeX2e style)
is 20 pages; the suggested length is about 15 pages.
The length reduction may be required during the referee process.
- In addition to the LaTeX packages used in the author's template one can
Use of any other packages (if highly desired) must be agreed with the
Please do NOT use any own LaTeX definitions or abbreviations:
according to our experience such definitions/abbreviations (and many
of the packages) may cause difficulties in processing chapters prepared
by many authors, and therefore should be avoided.
- Each author has received from the editors two strings/identifiers
that should be used for naming files and labels:
- paper_id: to be used as name of your files (paper_id.tex,
paper_id.pdf), and in the file names corresponding to the figures
(see below)
- label_id: a three character string (composed of two letters and
the : character) to be used for labels (see below)
- The revised contributions should be delivered in one zipped file
(named composed of:
- paper_id.tex: one LaTeX file containing the whole chapter,
including references (references generated by BibTeX into paper_id.bbl
can be included using the \input{paper_id/paper_id.bbl} command, and
submitted separately as the paper_id.bbl file).
- (optional) paper_id.bbl containing the bibliography
(if the bibliography is not included into the paper_id.tex file).
- paper_id.pdf: the corresponding PDF file.
- comment.pdf: the author's comments/reply to the reviews
(and to the editor's comments, if such comments are included in
the acceptance email).
- (optional) containing all figures in the EPS format
(if any figures are used).
The zip file should preferably be ftp'ed (info on ftp is available
Should you have problems with using ftp then email the file to the
address indicated in the acceptance email.
- To ensure proper cross-references to figures, tables, citations,
sections, etc., it is necessary to always use pairs of either
\label and \ref, or \bibitem and \cite LaTeX commands (one can also
use the \pageref to refer to a specific place, if desired).
For example, instead of shown in Fig.~1 use shown in
Fig.~\ref{xx:fig1}, where the argument of the \ref command
corresponds to the \label defined with the corresponding figure.
- All labels should contain the prefix label_id sent to you.
E.g., if the label assigned to you is mm:, then use \label{mm:sec_model}
(for referring to a section), or \label{mm:fig_schema} for a figure,
or \bibitem{mm:smith85} for references, etc.
In other words the first three characters of any label in your chapter
are defined by the editors, and therefore make labels unique within
the book provided each author will use unique (within his/her chapter)
remaining part of the label.
- Figures, if any, must be
prepared in the EPS format, should be readable in black/white printing,
and be included using the graphicx package. More detailed
guidelines for preparing figures can be found at the Springer website.
Figures should be included using the command:
\includegraphics[scale=.45]{paper_id/file_name.eps} % paper_id from the
editors, scaling factor and file_name set by you
\caption{caption text here}
\label{label_id:xx} % label_id from the editors, xx your unique label
Please use possibly short strings as file_name (the string should be
composed of only letters, and optionally: digits and the _ character).
Note: the \sidecaption[t] command (adviced in the original guidelines)
should not be used (we had to change this to achieve consistency across
all chapters).
- The bibliography must be produced according to the instructions
included in the author's package,
either by using BibTeX or by editing data with references.
BibTeX users should select one of the bibliography styles
recommended by Springer (preferably spmpsci.bst available in the author
package, see the link above). Should you prefer to manage your
bibliography manually, then please make sure that the formatting
of your references corresponds to this style.
Important dates
- Declaration of a paper submission: January 15, 2010.
- Full paper submission: March 8, 2010.
- Revised (after reviews) paper submission: six weeks since
the acceptance email.
- Final modifications: three weeks since
the email with chapter-specific and general guidelines.
- Final versions of all papers accepted on May 31, 2011.
- Processing by Springer started in June, 2011.
- Book published in January, 2012.
Contacts with the editors of the proceedings
- Contributions to the proceedings (composed of a LaTeX file,
a PDF file with the processed paper, and EPS files
with figures (if used)) should be zipped into one file and ftp to the
IME Project at IIASA (the details about ftp can be found
In exceptional cases the zip file can be emailed to Ms. Suchi Subramanian,
Secretary of the IME Project at IIASA.
For the first submission (to be sent for review) a PDF file only can
also be accepted.
- All other correspondence related to the CwU Proceedings should be
emailed to Kurt Marti.
Information about the published book
- Managing Safety of Heteregeneous Systems: Decisions under Uncertainties
and Risks, Y. Ermoliev, M. Makowski, K. Marti (Eds). Springer, 2012,
LNEMS vol 658, issn 0075-8442, isbn 978-3-642-22883-4.
- Information at the Springer site
includes the book flyer, TOC, and sample pages.
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