Welcome to the home page of CSM'2004, the 18th workshop on Methodologies and Tools for Complex System Modeling and Integrated Policy Assessment.
Please select one of the following links that guide to either various information prepared for you or to forms that should be filled in by prospective participants:

Following the good experience gathered in the organization of previous workshops, the administration of the CSM'2004 workshop preparations will be done via the Web. The organizers would like to thank in advance all participants for their cooperation in handling the workshop administration via the Web and for their understanding for limitations of automatic handling of registration data and of submitted abstracts.

Please consider also participation in the DSTIS'2004, IV International Conference on Decision Support for Telecommunications and Information Society, which will be held on September 2-4, 2004 (i.e. just before the CSM'2004 workshop) in Warsaw, Poland.

Please e-mail questions and suggestions to: csm@iiasa.ac.at

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