License agreement

The software developed within the scientific cooperation between the Methodology of Decision Analysis Project at IIASA (A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria) and various collaborating research institutions is distributed free-of-charge under the following conditions:

  1. The software will only be used for research or educational purposes provided that the usage is non-commercial. For any commercial usage of the software a separate written agreement with author(s) of the software is necessary.
  2. The software can be used only by individuals or institutions who agree with the conditions stated here. Redistribution of the software and/or manuals requires written permission from IIASA or from the authors.
  3. No part of the software can be modified or incorporated into other software without written permission from the authors.
  4. The user agrees to cite the software, if used, by giving references to the documentation that accompanies the software package and by mentioning that the software has been developed in cooperation with IIASA.
    A copy of each publication that contains a reference to a software distributed under this agreement should be sent to:
    Dr. Marek Makowski, IIASA, A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria.
  5. The software is provided on the ``as it is basis''. The user may contact the authors directly in case of any problems with the software or if the software requires modification for her/his application. However, the authors of the software are not obliged to provide any assistance in use of the software.
  6. In no event shall IIASA or the author's of the software or the institutions that employee the authors be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the distributed software.

By transferring any item of the software you indicate your acceptance of this agreement.

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