Managing Safety of Heteregeneous Systems: Decisions under Uncertainties
and Risks, Y. Ermoliev, M. Makowski, K. Marti (Eds). Springer, 2012,
LNEMS vol 658, issn 0075-8442, isbn 978-3-642-22883-4.
at the Springer site includes the book flyer,
TOC, and sample pages.
Informatics, L. Bolc, M. Makowski, A. Wierzbicki (Eds),
Springer, 2010
Feature Issue of EJOR
on Advances in Complex Systems Modeling, edited by
M. Makowski, Y. Nakamori, and H-J. Sebastian, vol. 168, no 3, 2005.
Feature Issue of EJOR
on Advances in Modeling: Paradigms, Methods and Applications,
edited by M. Makowski and H-J. Sebastian, vol. 122, no 2, April 2000
The list of selected publications is available in short CV in
PDF and
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(last modified:
Links to selected publications and prepublication drafts
available on-line.